Complete your registration by filling and submitting your details below after selecting your payment method – Stripe or Paypal for USD and Paystack or Bank Transfer for naira.
For NAIRA Payment via Bank Transfer,
1. Confirm the total you’re paying below. 2. Make the transfer to Gtbank 0587782521 Win Or Win Consults. 3. Fill in your details below. 4. Select your payment method i.e. ‘Pay via Direct Deposit’. 5. Submit. 6. Send an email with your full name, phone number, and proof of payment to so we can onboard you.
Again, confirm the total naira rate and make your transfer before you complete and submit the form below.
breakdown of the total value
Please note if you’re paying via bank transfer: ensure you have completed the transfer before placing your order above. After you submit, send an email with your details and proof of payment to so we can fully onboard you.
If you have any issues with your payment, tap the WhatsApp icon at the bottom left of your screen to send us a message (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm WAT excl holidays).