Are You Ready To Turn Your Knowledge To Wealth & Impact?

In other words, are you ready Create & Sell Your Online Course so you can create impact, influence millions of people and earn passive income with what you know already? Would you want to know EXACTLY HOW I PERSONALLY achieved these?




Because this offer will expire in…


Dear Expert, Professional or Business Owner,

I know you are reading this right now because you have a genuine burning desire to help a lot of people with your knowledge and live the life of your dreams while doing so but…

You know what?

Yes, Your fears are valid.

Actually, they are valid but baseless.

Yes, they are absolutely baseless because if you could have come this far, then you don’t have any excuses not to create your own impact-making and income-generating knowledge digital products!

A few years ago, I found myself exactly where you are with a burning passion to impact millions of people while earning comfortable income in the process but didn’t know how to start.

I was paralyzed by these fears too and I was all over the place trying everything and anything.

I saw other people doing the things I wish I could do, getting massive results and that was when it dawned on me that

"I didn’t know what I didn’t know because I didn't learn from those that know it".

This simple thought launched me out of my state of confusion and I decided to seek the right knowledge.

The Outcome:

In all honesty, I did not jump out of my state of confusion and began to achieve success.

I took strategic and practical steps that led to strategic results and enormous successes.

The strategic and practical steps are what I teach to my high-ticket coaching clients that pay me up to $10,000; and these are the exact strategies that I am about to expose you to in my new training program titled:

The Profitable Online Course System (POCS)

Before I let you into the sauce that I have prepared for you in POCS, I want to whet your appetite with what one of my high-ticket clients has to say…

I made N1.4 million in 2 hours, thanks to Temi!

Temi is all about action and results. She is quick to roll up her sleeves to help you get your desired outcome.

She helped me set up my first webinar; she brought me up to speed. By the end of my webinar, in about 2hrs, there was N1.4 million sitting pretty in my account.

Temi is a sales strategist; dishing out multiple pathways to executing your sales goal. With Temi, it’s no fluffy talk, just pure hacks that lead to cash. By the time she is done with your business, you’d say I understated her capacity.

She is electric. Period!

Bankole Williams - Life & Career Coach

The Profitable Online Course System (POCS) is a done-WITH-you approach to help you create and sell out your Online Course within the next 50 days.

POCS is a no-fluff system where we will take you by the hand and lead you to success in the digital fields that I and hundreds of my clients have achieved tremendous successes.

POCS contains 4 value-packed courses that I curated for you to create your first or next online course profitably.


Now, let me show you the tremendous value that you will be getting in the POC System and why I am so confident about your success...

The Profitable Online Course System contains these courses that will independently teach you how to create and successfully launch your online course.

Online Courses
Online Masterclasses

Now here is a breakdown of the 4 courses...


This Online Course Sold Out course contains over 20 walk-through videos in 5 modules.

These 5 modules breakdown:

Alongside these 5 modules, you will ge getting result-oriented worksheet, action-prompting swipe files and cash-generating marketing plan.


The webinar sold out course contains a total of 23 lessons and 8 worksheets to work you through the process of launching your first and subsequent webinars.

This Webinar Sold Out course contains over 20 walk-through video lessons in 5 modules.

In 5 modules, you will:

Now I want you to take a pause and answer this question:

What is the worst-case scenario with this full-proof approach to launching your own webinar?

Let me allow Jeremy share his results with you...


If you ask me the fastest way to go from a newbie to creating your first digital product, I will say: Write your first ebook!


Because you can use the contents of a successful eBook as the foundation of your other digital products.

The License to print money course is a five-part course where I cover:

Using the above listed steps, I have been able to launch my eBooks and help so many people create their own eBooks.

You will be joining this exclusive list of people when you sign up for the Profitable Online Course System

Adenike Odubanwo - Author, Rookie To Pro

I started writing during the lock down and hit the block. After taking your Licence To Print Money course, I felt your electric current pass through me 💥💥💥

Now, I have finished writing, did my book cover on Canva and finished on Adazing.

My Fiancee has been praying for you since I took the course because I have been on a different wave and I am super pumped. He’s not seen me this excited before.

Thank you Temi. Thank You.

Stephanie Obi - Author, Knowledge is the New Gold

Temi’s step by step videos took out the guesswork. They made it easy for me to get started on Amazon. My book went on to become an Amazon Bestselling Book.

My only goal in this course is to support you in your journey to becoming an Amazon best-selling author just like Stephanie Obi and Victoria below.


I have presented the host online masterclass course as a masterclass to show you how to host your own masterclass and earn 6 figures from your online masterclass.

My goal in this masterclass is to share the exact same strategies that I use to earn residual income from my online masterclass with you.

These strategies are covered under the following topics:

As part of the POCS bundle, you will be getting 3 ADDITIONAL BUNDLES when you sign up right here and right now.


The first additional value bundle that I will be giving to this set of very lucky people is my Worksheets.

These worksheets include: workbooks, Execution calendar, affirmations etc.

The unique function of these tools is to help you gain consistent clarity and execute everything you are learning with precision.

I lacked these tools when I started creating digital products and my launch suffered tremendously until I got exposed to these worksheets that I now use to achieve maximum results.

They are all yours when you sign up for the Digital Product Factory TODAY.


My personal assistant vehemently tried to change my mind when I told her that I will be giving it out to some lucky people, so you want to take this up because it will only be made public for a VERY limited time.

You don't want to miss this!

When you sign up for the digital product factory, I will be giving you my SWIPE FILES!

These swipe files are the exact copies of my most converting emails and posts and all you will have to do by now is to change my name to your name and use them as you wish. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Am I crazy to give you my secret weapon? No, I’m not!

But I’m serious when I told you that you must succeed by force once you’re around me!



If for once you thought I would only load you up with only course lessons without any form of support or hand-holding, you must be new to my brand.

So I forgive you!

Cos if there’s one thing any of my students can swear by, it is how invested I am in getting them results, which is why I will never leave you without an opportunity to ask questions and NO QUESTION IS STUPID! 

Therefore, you will be getting the coaching you need from me and my expert coaches every twice in a month LIVE with access to replays!

As you can see, the value you are getting so far is $5,191.

But it is still less than the $10,000 that some of my clients pay for what you are getting

But guess what?

I will not be asking you to pay $5,191

In fact, you will not be paying up to 1% of $5,191 to access the POC System.

I know you are excited already, but allow me to excite you more with these IMMEDIATE ACTION bonuses...

Here is the deal…

If you sign up for the POC System before leaving this page, you will be getting 3 goldmine bonuses.
I call these bonuses goldmines because this is where the digital product money is buried…


This is a priceless bonus where you will be getting ongoing support in our Students Network on Facebook where you can ask questions, get mentorship and rub minds with like-minded individuals which will encourage you to remain accountable for as long as you're a member.

This is massive!

(valued: PRICELESS)


This is where I will teach you how to create a money generating sales funnel to sell your online course.

This bonus alone will take you out of the 88% of the online course creators that can only create but fail to sell.

You will learn:

(valued at $399)


Ever heard it said that “The money is in the list” ? It’s true! I have more than 20,000 happy subscribers on my email list that I consistently bring value to while I earn in the process.

Having a profitable email list is the holy grail of online marketing and I will expose you to this secret in this masterclass.

(valued at $399)

All these bonuses are yours for FREE if you sign up for the Profitable Online Course System in...


If you think about the immense value that is about to be yours with just one step to go,

There is just one word to describe all this…


Everything I have presented to you so far has got a combined value of almost $6,000 but if you click on the button below right now to sign up, I will be giving you a 99.5% discount special offer to access the Online Course System for just...

$28 per month

Let us do a quick maths here…

Imagine that you launch your first online course at a very low rate of $100 with just 10 students…

That is $100 x 10 = $1,000

You would have recouped your investment 43x over!

What if you host a $10 webinar for just 50 people?

How about a $10 WhatsApp class for just 50 participants?

That is $10 x 50 = $500

You would have recouped your investment 21x over!

Can you see that there is a clear path to recouping your investment even if you do the barest minimum?

Get Massive Discounts When You Pay For A Year Access:

$223 per year

Or Get The Best Deal When You Pay For Lifetime Access

$278 for lifetime access

Here's A Full Breakdown Of A You're Getting As A POCS Member

Full value $5,989

Special Offer: $28/month

I hope you can see that I want you to succeed and I don’t want lack of funds to hold you back? 

Will you forgive yourself if you miss this one chance to work with me to monetise your knowledge?

I don’t believe so!

So you have to act fast and act NOW because the clock is ticking…

The decision is now.



To put you at absolute ease, I will be giving you 30 days Execution Attached money back guarantee

What does this mean?

It’s OK for you to execute everything that you will learn in the POCS within the next 30 days and if it doesn’t work for you, you can request a refund and I will happily oblige so far you can show me your execution proof.

Can you see you have absolutely NOTHING to lose?!

Don’t forget the Bounty Bonuses are for the first 20 people to sign up now.

The Profitable Online Course System

Monthly Membership
= $28

Annual Membership
= $223

Lifetime Membership
= $278

POCS + Private Coaching
= $1,000 monthly

Now, here is the real question you should ask yourself is…
Are you ready to succeed with creating and selling your own online course?

If yes, tap the button below to lock down your spot at this current discount!

Frequently Asked Questions

Currently, the Profitable Online Course System is an ongoing program that you can enroll for at anytime and so, you will have immediate access to the the course content, coaching and community the moment your payment goes through. 

It means there’s no time limit for you to access the course content on our academy.

Absolutely. This program is designed to help savvy and passionate thought leaders, experts and expert business owners to create and sell online courses. Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, you will surely find massive value in this program.

The answer is No and the reason is because no matter what industry you’re in or what you sell, so far you solve a problem for humanity, people are currently looking for more information in that niche. If you have an online course on the information they are looking for, a lot of people will prefer to buy from you rather than wandering aimlessly on Google.

In a nutshell, POCS is a bundle of training on how to create and sell online courses, webinars, ebooks, templates and online masterclasses. Not only do you get the content, you also get hands-on coaching from my coaching team every other week in an online community. It also contains cheatsheets, swipe files, and so on, all packaged to guarantee you results as you implement so that you can avoid all the mistakes I made when starting out.

You will need a phone and internet (and I want to believe you have both if you’re currently reading this) and access to a laptop or computer. Every other strategy and knowledge will be provided by me and my team and I actually explain it all in the above video and inside the Profitable Online Course System.

Absolutely, yes you can! This is the beauty of an online business and most especially, creating and selling digital products. You can be based anywhere in the world and make money legitimately without leaving your house. I have been doing this from the comfort of my home for over 5 years now and done multiple 7 figures in naira month in, month out, earning the title #TheMillionaireHousewife.

Yes, you can! If you are reading this right now, it means you can still get into POCS at the current mouth-watering discount price if you sign up right now. I decided to extend the discount due to the several messages I’ve been getting. I know things may be (a bit difficult) interesting at the moment and I want to make things really easy for you. Don’t miss the opportunity.

Please send us an email at

Do you have more questions?

(c) 2020 – 2025 Win or Win Consults Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Contact us: (234) 9017819412 or Privacy | Legal & Policies | Earnings Disclaimer

Temi Ajibewa’s experiences with online business are not typical; She is an experienced Online Business Coach. This program demonstrates how she, and her team of experts use proprietary technology, experience and expertise to identify potentially successful coaching ideas and drive profitable sales online.

We do not track the typical results of our customers or verify the accuracy of publicly available student testimonials. Our technology and these techniques may not always be accurate, and creating an online business may not always be profitable.

We cannot guarantee that you will make money or that you will be successful if you employ this or any online business strategy specifically or generally. Consequently, your results may significantly vary from Temi Ajibewa’s. All information is mentioned for informational and educational purposes only.

This site and the products and services offered on this site is not part of the Facebook website to Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by facebook in any way. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
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