Harness The Power Of Personal Branding To Exponentially Grow Your Impact, Influence, And Wealth.

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Dear Seasoned Entreprenuer and Professional, I See You!

I see that you’re passionate, ambitious, and purpose-driven. 

You want to build a personal brand that creates positive change and impact lives but you lack the clarity and direction to make it a reality

Maybe you’re like me 7 years ago, scared and naive, confused and seriously struggling with low self-esteem.

I was lost in uncertainties before a lightbulb moment gave me the strength, boldness, and charisma to build my authentic brand and eventually lead a successful business as a thought leader.

Now, I guide people like you to build their personal brands from scratch, helping them to overcome challenges such as confusion, lack of direction, fear, and low self-esteem, so that they reach their full potential! 

Does this sound like you?

As a passionate entrepreneur, you’ve done well at building your business offline and now you feel the need to increase your personal visibility and impact online so that you can reach more people with your solutions and be recognised for your contribution in your industry.

As a professional, you have dedicated decades to your work and risen to an enviable position at your workplace, but now you’re seeking meaning to your life and more opportunities to contribute to humanity as a mentor, coach or consultant.

Having gained a wealth of knowledge in a particular field as an expert, you now want to share it with as many people as possible so that you can be seen and recognised as a thought leader in your industry.

Even though you’ve seen other professionals or experts like you build their brands online, you’re apprehensive about starting your own because you feel it’s a lot of work and you don’t have the slightest idea where or how to start.

Here’s The Major Mistake Most People Make When Trying To Build A Brand Online…

A lot of people focus on the externals in a brand like creating logos, websites, content creation, trying to impress people online with an expensive lifestyle, trying to be goofy and controversial (even though they are not that kind of person), and a lot of things that harm their brand. 

And they ignore the internals that really produces what we see outside like, articulating your core essence as a professional or expert, discovering your unique personality, building confidence and finding your voice, clear-cut clarity on exactly what you want to achieve, having a strong brand strategy, choosing a niche that is needed, and having a unique framework that will set you up for success. 

Focusing on the externals of a brand and ignoring the groundwork means…

Opportunities will fly over you because unconsciously you’ve been busy impressing others instead of positioning yourself to be seen as a professional or expert.

You’re going to get frustrated in a few months because you’ll be doing a lot and getting minor results.

Growing a successful brand will look like an ‘impossible mission’ for you because you’ll be getting it all wrong.

Take a look at successful brands around you, these strong internal qualities are responsible for the unique results that you see externally.

So what’s the solution?



For Experts, And Professionals Ready To Be Sought-After In Their Industry!

Want to know some facts about personal branding?


of people trust people than businesses: People love to interact with personal brands and not traditional business brands.


of people start their buying process with a referral: And Google is the very first place people look after getting a referral.


of people see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies.

Gain exclusive access to expert-level modules on building your personal brand, showing up consistently, and exponentially growing your career and business.

Personal Branding Is NOT

Personal Branding Is ABOUT

Here's What You’ll Be Able To Achieve When You Take This Course

You’ll achieve clarity for your personal brand in terms of who you are and what makes you unique.

With the well-distilled modules and step-by-step framework in this course, you’ll gain clarity on what personal branding truly is. You’ll also understand what it’s not and come up with a brand strategy that works perfectly for you.

You’ll be able to craft a strong brand persona and brand core message that connects with you and your audience.

Crafting a strong brand message is one important aspect of building a personal brand that can not be ignored. Before the end of this course, you’ll be given a series of simple tasks that will help you craft your brand persona and core message almost naturally.

You’ll become googleable and highly sought after in a matter of months after taking the course.

As an expert and thought leader, your ideal clients must be able to find you. Their search must not come out empty when they key your name into their browsers. 

Being googleable as an expert means being visible which you’ll most definitely achieve when you take this course. We have a series of exercises and lessons for you to guarantee that.

You will identify your dream clients, their problems, and the clear solutions you provide for them.

If you really want to impact people with your knowledge and expertise, you MUST define your target audience. Most people fail to identify the problem they solve so they try to solve too many problems at the same time. This leads to automatic frustration in building your brand and I don’t want that for you.

In this course, I’ll help you define who you want to serve (aka. Your ideal clients), identify their main problem and a realistic solution to that problem. 

Monetising your personal brand in a matter of months. 

A lot of brands online find it hard to position their brands for profit. Building a brand is not just about building followers, and getting likes and comments, but also about building a list of raven fans who are ready to buy your products. 

In this course, you’ll learn how exactly you can position your brand for profit and several areas of your brand that you can monetise.

Create brand elements with meaning, purpose, understanding, and unique style.

Brand elements are not for “show” they are to help you build a community around your brand. They also give identity to your brand. 

During the cause of the program, we’ll work together on creating the unique branding elements that will help you set the behavioural culture and pattern for your online tribe.

You’ll be able to craft your brand story in a way that inspires true fans and loyal buyers.

Stories are great foundations for a strong brand. Learning how to tell your stories in an emotional and relatable way makes your brand remarkable and attracts your ideal audience like bees to a honey pot. 

In this course, I’ll teach you how to tell your unique story in a way that attracts loyal fans.

You’ll be able to identify your unique selling proposition. 

For most clients that we help build their personal brands from scratch, we discovered that having a unique selling proposition grows the brand 2 times faster. 

However, identifying a brand’s unique proposition can be difficult for experts who are just starting their brand. 

In this course, we’ll work together to identify your unique selling proposition and give you an understanding of how it makes you unique and its importance.

You’ll learn how to create content that attracts your dream audience and clients.

Your content game is everything when it comes to giving your brand the visibility, credibility, and exposure that it deserves. 

In this course, I’ll teach you how to create quality content that attracts dream clients and help you with a content strategy that guarantees your visibility online.

You’ll learn how to set up social platforms for visibility and growth.

Things like your social media bio, profile picture, a profile description, and name can set you up for high visibility online or make you unseen. 

In this course, I’ll take you through setting up your social media platforms for exposure in your sector.

You’ll learn how to use competition to your advantage to build your personal brand.

No brand can stand alone, you need healthy competition to grow your brand. In this course, you’ll learn how to make meaningful collaborations in your sector. 

In this course, you’ll learn the best ways to approach leaders or colleagues in your niche and ask for collaboration without them feeling like they are being used. 

Imagine This Happening To You In The Next Six Months...

Major Collaboration With Industry Top Leaders.

Imagine being recognised by global top leaders in your industry and being called for major collaborations.

Award Recommendation And Nomination In Your Sector

How would you feel winning a major award in your sector? Imagine the kind of exposure that gets you in your industry as an expert.

Major Speaking Engagement Locally And Internationally

Companies are looking for experts who know their onions and they are ready to pay a premium for a 30 minutes talk. Imagine your name coming up as the expert they are looking for.

Getting Your Calender Booked With Clients For The Next 12 Months 

Is it practically possible to get your calendar booked with clients for the next 12 months? Big Yes! But that can only happen when you’ve built a brand that is visible.

Global And Industry Recognition

Imagine your brand being featured on the front page of an international or local magazine or talked about on international news channels as one of the exceptional brands in your industry. How would you feel about that?

All Of These Are Achievable!

Here's a Breakdown Of The

This first step of the framework I have designed will show you how to find your unique voice and authentic personality. You'll gain absolute clarity in your core message and core audience. And most importantly, I will help you with the structure, and direction you need to build an impactful personal brand.

When we have successfully helped you identify and clarify your Identity as an expert, your core message and, your core audience, it’s time to create the externals of a successful and profitable brand. The second step of this framework carefully takes you behind the scenes and shows you the brainwork behind brand elements of successful brands and how you can create yours.

The third step of the framework is all about representing yourself in a way that makes you stand out in your sector. The reason why most brands fail is their inability to distinguish themselves from the noise. We’ve designed this framework so that you can step out and step up, be unique, sound different, and look different from other brands in your sector. In the end, after completing this process, you’ll be able to attract interesting and mind-blowing opportunities, build a network of supportive fans and repel those who don’t believe in your dreams.

Finally, you’ll learn how to launch, which is, turning those ideas, the value you share, products and services, into sweet cash in your bank. I particularly included this as part of the framework because wealth is paramount to me. And for so many years I’ve taught wealth creation. I’m going to be showing you all my wealth-creation strategies, including how to sell digital products, money-pulling marketing funnels, and so much more.

Apart From The Value-Packed Course Content,
You’ll Also Get:


The easiest way to get found on the internet is through social media. And the best social media platform right now to grow your brand is where your ideal clients are the most. With an optimised social media profile, you become more visible to your ideal clients, build your brand by attracting more followers, and attract high-paying clients to your business.


Your website is your online home. When visitors come to your website, they get the choice to buy from you or wander away. You can increase your chances of visitors buying from your website with my Website Plan and Goal guide. This short guide will help you with designing the proper layout of your website: things that should be present on your website so that it serves its purpose — bringing clients to your doorstep.


Every successful brand has a rule of engagement and standard procedure that pilots the way they operate both internally and externally. This brand bible template covers every branding aspect of your business down to the least detail. With this template, you can come up with your brand bible in less than 60 minutes.


Execution is everything. Getting the right information to build a successful brand is one side of the coin. The other side is implementing the processes, systems, and strategies taught in this program. With this 6 Weeks execution calendar, you're guaranteed of getting more work done in 42 days than in 365 days.


I know how overwhelming it is building a brand without committed support. It can be frustrating when you pay a lot of money for a program and you don't even get the opportunity to spend time with the coach. This is why I've decided to dedicate 6 weeks to building your exceptional brand with you.


Every profitable brand has a buyer persona data that helps identify and attract ideal clients. This template will help you create who your ideal audience and clients are, their interests, habits, challenges and dreams, so that you can effectively communicate your message to the right people.


You won't be doing it alone. I've set up an amazing system in place to pair students together, to support each other and execute tasks together. This support structure alone within this program is priceless. Imagine being accountable to not just yourself alone, but a partner and a Coach. Can you imagine what kind of results this will produce?


After 6 weeks of training and coaching, you’re still going to have access to my personal brand mastery online community for 12 months. This includes access to all the course lessons, resources, and tasks for 12 months which is enough time to help you get your desired result.


Unlock your visibility and build your authority with my Signature Lead Magnet Guide. This plug-and-play template will help you craft a compelling, captivating, engaging lead magnet for your audience. You’ll discover the secrets to high-converting lead magnets, unleash your creativity, and save time.

Total Value – $7,999
Invest Now Starting At – $500

See what some people are saying about this course:

Personal Brand Mastery Accelerator

  • Personal Brand Course of 70+ video lessons
  • 'Personal Website That Sells' Masterclass
  • Social Media Profile Optimisation Worksheet
  • Personal Brand Bible Template
  • Customer Avatar Template
  • Ebook Lead Magnet Template
  • Brand Me In 6 Weeks Execution Calendar
  • Certificate of Course Completion
  • 12 Months Community Support
  • Accountability Pod
  • 6 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions
  • One-On-One Coaching & Support With A Wow Coach
    5x Payment = $500 monthly
    1x Payment = $2,000

Personal Brand Mastery 1:1 Coaching

  • Personal Brand Course of 70+ video lessons
  • 'Personal Website That Sells' Masterclass
  • Social Media Profile Optimisation Worksheet
  • Personal Brand Bible Template
  • Customer Avatar Template
  • Ebook Lead Magnet Template
  • Brand Me In 6 Weeks Execution Calendar
  • Certificate of Course Completion
  • 12 Months Community Support
  • Accountability Pods
  • 6 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions
  • One-On-One Coaching & Support With A Wow Coach
    5x Payment = $1,200 monthly
    1x Payment = $5,500

See What Our Students Are Saying

Who Is Behind This Course?

Hi there,
My name is Temi Ajibewa aka #TheElectricTemi.
I am the Creator of The Personal Brand Mastery Program and The Highly Paid Coach Bootcamp.
These two programs that have helped more than 500 thought leaders launch and scale a profitable, well-structured coaching business.
I have to tell you this…
…One of my superpowers is helping savvy and passionate individuals like you to turn their passion, expertise, skills, and experience into a highly profitable coaching business.

And I've been doing this work of transforming lives and business for over 8 years now.<b?7 years="" now.
But when I started then, I was just like you –
Struggling to find clarity about my niche and building, not just a business but a PERSONAL BRAND.
I knew the theory that was taught by most experts I listened to, but they never taught me the science of it.
I had a passion for speaking, teaching, and helping others achieve tangible results in their business and money-making ventures…
But I had no idea how to turn it into a business and more importantly build a strong brand that would later become a legacy.
Fast-forward to seven years now…
…After a whole lot of learning from experts, mentors, and colleagues, several tests and errors, I can say I did it.
Yes, I got the code.
I've gone on to build my business empire around coaching others and transforming the lives of my clients and audience.
I've also built a strong personal brand and thousands of followers ready to listen and buy my products. And most importantly, I've made a ton of money and traveled the world doing what I love.
This is why I want to help you achieve the same results.

I've been featured on several platforms to share my knowledge and impact people.

Hear What Our Students Are Saying...

After struggling to build my brand for over 6 months, I am now a Master of my brand. The clarity I’ve gotten from PBM is extraordinary!

– Ify Okafor

“This program has been of immense blessing to me. I will follow Coach Temi for life.”

Ruth Folaji

Listen, this is not for everybody

This is for you if want to…

Reach out to more people, gain more visibility and Impact more people with your wealth of experience and expertise.

Leave the surface level of merely being a service provider to becoming a legacy and powerful force in your sector.

Jump out of bed every morning feeling excited and grateful for the work you do and the number of people you’ve been able to impact positively.

Live a life of freedom – being in control of your time, finances and mental well-being.

Polish their personal brand to perfection and are ready to move to the next level – either transitioning to a new area of expertise or starting from scratch again.

Now is the time to make the decision and let's work together to build something that will last forever - your brand!

Any Guarantees?

What you're going to get has been tested and proven to work across various niches, so I am 101% sure that it will work for you.
The real question is ‘are you going to be committed to do the work it takes?’
However, just so you will be motivated to jump on this offer right now so we can start working on your unique voice as a leader, I'm including a full Money-Back Guarantee with this course. Crazy right? I know.
This means if after watching this course and taking action within 30 days, and you don't think it was worth it, contact us at within 30 days and we'll issue a refund.

I'm giving this full Money-Back Guarantee because I'm sure of the results you're going to get after watching and implementing this course.
Is that fair enough?
Now that you have nothing to lose but your doubts, are you ready to join me?

“This program is amazing and life-transforming. I learnt so many lessons. Thank you coach Temi for creating this Program.”

– Adebola MacPrince

The clarity stage of the PBM program is amazing! Anybody who wants to understand what to do with themselves needs to take this Program.

– Sarah Ogah

“I used to have people that assist me to do a lot of work but this Program made me to be more organised and disciplined, that I barely have need for a Personal Assistant.

– Adetoun Otepola

“My PBM experience was amazing. I learnt a lot of things in PBM that I didn’t know about and the coaching calls were almost spiritual.”

– Brenda Unu


The live coaching sessions will hold every Monday by 2pm CST on Zoom for 6 weeks.

Yes. Our payment plans are right on this page. Check it out on the payment box.

If you’re a leader in your niche as a career professional or entrepreneur and you’re ready to upgrade your profile, create impact, influence and income from your passion and natural abilities, this is for you. It’s perfect for you even if you’re a beginner and have never done anything online as long as you’re convinced that you do good work and you’re ready to let the world know.

Kindly contact our support team via email

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