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Ready To Structure Your Online Coaching Business For More Impact, Influence and Income?


The Highly Paid Coach


A 3-day business bootcamp designed to help coaches structure their coaching business so they can attract high-ticket coaching clients and have time freedom... while making a huge impact in the world!

Fee: $57/N39,900
Date: Wed 17th - Fri 19th May, 2023. Time: 10am CST/5pm WAT daily
Venue: Online

As seen on:

You want an impactful and profitable coaching biz. The only problem is… How do you make it happen?

There are 3 main obstacles holding you back from the level of impact and income that you want…

Which one is keeping you stuck?


You’re not sure if your current core message is right. You’re multi-passionate and good at so many things that you get confused anytime you think about focusing on one thing because you fear you may end up not fulfilling your life’s purpose.


You’re not sure who your target audience is or how to attract them. You know you have the heart to help people so, you market to everyone and get mad when they don’t pay for your coaching even though they grab your freebies. Ouch!


How the heck do you get high-paying clients, anyway? You know you have something transformational to offer, but the social media is crowded with so many coaches and you wonder: how do I stand out and get people to really pay me what I’m worth?

It feels like there are so many things standing in your way and so you try to get ahead by...


Enrolling for more certifications and taking courses after courses...



Giving your good stuff for free as social media content or lead magnets, writing books and creating courses...

But no matter how hard you try, it seems you keep struggling to have a structured business and so you’re working for pennies on the dollar.
Sound familiar?

What's Up! I'm Temi!

If you’re new to me… I’m an award-winning business coach for coaches and experts like you. I’ve had the honour of working with over 500 coaches across the world to start and scale their coaching business. And while that all sounds magical (which it is!), building this business was no walk in the park.

Infact, when I first started my coaching business in 2014, I had no idea what specific problem I wanted to solve nor the specific people I wanted to help. I help felt so inadequate that I rejoiced when my very first client offered to pay me less than $50 for a 3-month coaching!

But in 2018, after spending lots of money and time on learning and implementing from the world’s best coaches, I was ready to go all out as a transformational coach and by the end of the year, I had doubled my previous year income. By Decemeber 2020, I had crossed 6 figures from my coaching income alone and together with my clients, we had done almost a million dollars.

How was this possible? You might ask. It became possible because I finally nailed the core ingredients to building an impactful and sustainably successful coaching business – and I can’t wait to share them with you in this 3-day bootcamp!

Here's the truth: if you're going to build a profitable coaching business and get paid a premium for your services, then you're going to have to get real with...GETTING PAID!

It doesn’t matter how much passion you’ve got for teaching people and helping them.

If you’re not clear on the exact problem you want to solve for people and attract the specific people who are ready and willing to pay your premium for the solution you’re bringing to the marketplace, you’re going to be PASSIONATELY BROKE!

Successful coaches know that in order to build a business that doesn’t include you posting on social media 24/7, begging for clients via direct messaging, giving away all your good stuff for free in the name of lead magnets, and charging very low rates to lure clients, you need to have three things in place:

And that’s clarity of niche, positioning and launch strategy. Because at the end of the day, if you’re not clear on these, especially the solution framework to help your clients achieve predictable results, you can’t say you have much of a business, can you?

But once you have thee three ingredients nailed down, you’re well on your way to building a successful coaching business that gives you the income and the impact you desire.



A 3-day Live Bootcamp to Impact-driven Coaches Scale Their Business By Getting Clear on their Core Niche, Positioning and Sales Strategy.

Date: Wed 17th – Fri 19th of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT daily.

Fee: $57/N39,900

"From defining what your core message is to positioning yourself to running your business like a pro"

By the end of our time together, you’ll have your gameplan locked in and ready to go, so you can finally stop thinking about all the moving parts in your coaching business and actually have a structured way of delivering your solution to the world, start landing high-ticket clients, making serious money, and living a life of impact!

Here’s What You’re Getting Inside The Bootcamp:

3 Days of Training to Take You From ‘oh-so confused’ to a Thriving Coaching Business ($5,399 Value)

Each day, I’ll go live on a Zoom call to help you work through the key essential ingredients of launching and scaling a successful coaching business. I’ve taken the highs and lows of my own business and distilled them into the essential steps you can take RIGHT NOW to get your coaching business going. Let me shorten the learning curve for you!


One of the biggest mistakes I see coaches make is their inability to align their purpose with their wealth quotient. You aren’t out here to dish out valuable content everyday, impact and transform lives, so that at the end of the day you’re still passionately broke, are you? I didn’t think so!

On Day 1, we’re going to focus on helping you get really clear on your brand purpose so that you can show up more confidently and charge like a pro.

Date: Wednesday, 17th of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/  5pm(WAT)


Now you’re aligned with what you really want to do, the next thing is to get clear on your core message so you can attract the kind of audience that will consistently put money in your pocket. There are many ways to attract your dream clients but converting them into paying clients requires a special skill.

On Day 2, we will take a deep dive into validating your niche message as a thought leader, so that you can start converting clients with your unique value proposition, and make them pay you for the value you provide.

Date: Thursday, 18th of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT


There are so many “wanna-be” coaches out there posing as the best thing since sliced bread, but we are going to help you position and separate your brand from the noise so you can attract the high-ticket clients you want.

On Day 3, we would focus on helping you get really clear on your dream clients and how to get these special people that will make up your tribe of raving fans who will buy from you again and again.

Date: Friday, 18th of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT

Oh Wait... did you think I was done here?? No way! Let me talk about the 7 FREE bonuses you get!

How To Become A Millionaire Coach: 7 Mind Hacks For A 7 Figure Coaching Business Masterclass ($397 Value)

This training will show you the “7 Success-Activating Beliefs That Will Move You Faster To Becoming A Millionaire Coach”. If you’re currently struggling with how to cross 6 figures in your business as a coach, you will find this masterclass really helpful as I break down the mind-work you need to hit your 6 figure goal faster.

Date: Sat, 20th of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT

The 6-Figure Coaching Business Blueprint For Impact-Driven Coaches Masterclass ($397 Value)

This is a crash course on: “How To Sell Out Your High Ticket Program With A Proven System That Doesn’t Need You To Have An Email List or A Large Following on Social Media in 30 Days or Less.”If you’re ready to launch your high-ticket coaching program immediately, this masterclass will be of huge benefit to you as I will be breaking down my own signature framework and proven launch system to you.

Date: Sun, 21st of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT

Purpose Discovery Worksheet ($297 Value)

This worksheet is designed to scientifically help you come up with your purpose statement in the most direct way you will ever find. If you have been struggling with pinpointing exactly what you should be doing with your life, this worksheet will change the game for you.

The Highly Paid Coach Clarity Blueprint ($297 Value)

“Fill-In-The-Blanks Blueprint To Help You Structure Your Coaching Business And Make It Absolutely Irresistible.”This fill-in-the-blanks 1 page blueprint will make your learning more transformational and unforgettable as you execute on all you will be learning. You can print out and work with so you can easily capture your learning for future reference.

Business Idea Validator Worksheet ($397 Value

If you consider yourself with many passions and talents, with interests in different business ideas, this worksheet will give you the clarity you need to know which of your many ideas will be your most successful idea. This way, you will have the peace of mind to focus your energy on one thing that you’re sure you will succeed at.

Access To Our Pop-up Facebook Group For Support & Accountability ($599 Value)

Consider this your hub for the bootcamp. This is where you can post your homework, connect with other coaches, get feedback from me and my team as you nail your niche, validate your core message and learn scaling strategies, during the duration of the bootcamp.

30 days FREE Access to the Training Recordings ($399 Value)

After each of our training sessions, the recording will be uploaded to our online course portal where you will be able to access them with your dedicated login details. This way, even if you miss any of the live sessions, you will have the opportunity to catch the replay and learn at your own pace.

Get The Ultimate Step-By-Step Blueprint To Start and Scale Your Own Coaching Business For Just $57(N39,900)!

When you sign up for the Highly Paid Coach Bootcamp, you’ll get...

Grab over $5,000 in value...
...for just N39,900 / $57

Date: Wed 17th - Fri 19th of May, 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT daily.

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself... Here’s My Rock-Solid Money-Back Guarantee:

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love this bootcamp.

If after the end of Day 1 of the bootcamp, you feel like you haven’t gotten 20x the value of your investment in money-making content, ideas and instructions, it wasn’t worth your time and investment, we will happily refund your money in full.

All you have to do is send us an email before 9am(WAT) on Day 2 asking for a refund.

Sounds fair?


This bootcamp delivers but don’t take my word for it.
Hear what some of our previous students say:

Chinyere Helyn
Talent-preneurship Coach
Raphael Obafemi
Telecom Engineer and Digital Service Provider
Olu Olabode
Speaker, Trainer, and Coach
Mrs Onyinye Orji
Marriage Mentor and Coach
Oluchi Madu
Talent Development Coach
Tolulope Ibitola
Personality Disorder Coach
Franca Orakuwe testimonial

Have burning questions?
Here are some answers:

I am just starting as a coach, is this bootcamp for me?

YES, if you are a new coach who is not yet clear on what you really want to focus on or who your ideal client is, this bootcamp is perfect for you. You will find the first day really illuminating and life-defining. Sign up now to experience the magic.

Where and when is this bootcamp holding?

It's all going down for 90 minutes daily at 10am CST/ 5pm WAT on Zoom with support inside our pop-up Facebook and WhatsApp groups! Each day, the training will be streamed live on Zoom so you can tune in live or watch the replays. Did I mention you also get access to the replays for 30 full days AFTER the bootcamp? Yep, you heard that right!

Will this bootcamp help me get coaching clients?

For sure! I am going to be breaking down exactly all you need to put in place to launch your business and attract high-ticket coaching clients within the shortest time possible.

What if I can’t make it live? Will there be replays?

Yes, you will be able to access the replays of the sessions daily, so you can watch whenever is best for you within 30 days of the bootcamp. However, I'll be answering questions live, so I HIGHLY recommend that you make the time to show up live! If you don't show up for you, who will?

Why is the bootcamp so cheap?

You're right...maybe I should increase the price? Just kidding! But in all seriousness, I believe the information in this bootcamp should be made available to every coach (no matter their situation), which is why the ticket price is so affordable. With that being said, I can't guarantee if the price will stay this low in the future so I recommend you take advantage of it while you can!

I have more questions.

Please send a mail to or Call / WhatsApp: +234 901 781 9412

If you’ve made it this far... then it’s time to decide, my friend.

Here is the truth: nothing changes if you refuse to change. And even if you’re not aware, there’s always a cost for inaction or delayed action.

If you’re sick and tired of trying and not getting results… If you’ve ever thought that you’re growing too slow and you should be way ahead by now… If you’re fed up with jumping around courses and programs looking for what is not missing and you just want someone to tell you what to do and how to do it…

Then straight up, you’re falling behind if you’re not in this bootcamp. Because “winging it” and hoping it all works out is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling. And you deserve better than that.

So… are you in?

Date: Wed 17th - Fri 19th of May 2023.
Time: 10am CST/ 5pm WAT daily

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