Ready to get serious about your coaching business?


A 3-day workshop to help new coaches get clear on their positioning, nail their dream clients and launch like a pro.

You want to own a highly successful coaching business. The only problem is…

Where the hell do you start from?!

Doesn’t it seem like there’s just so much to do when building your own profitable coaching business?

  • Where the heck do you start from?
  • How do you position yourself to attract your dream clients?
  • Do you need a website?
  • Do you need to learn all these daunting tech stuff?
  • Do you have to become a content marketing expert before starting?
  • Are you charging too low or too high? Heck! How do you even charge clients?
  • And the worse!!! How do you find paying clients?

OMG! There’s just so much to do and I absolutely get it. 

I’ve been there before… I’ve seen it all. The good, the bad and the ugly…and I’ve been able to get through it all to build a multimillion naira coaching business from scratch. 

If you are new to me, Hello my friend, you’re welcome. My name is Temi Ajibewa, and I’m an electric business coach who’s going to help you build your very own coaching business from nothing to a highly profitable brand just like mine.

I have been featured on several National TV like TVC, Channels, Silverbird, Rave TV and so many popular radio programs as a thought leader in the business and personal development industry in Nigeria. 

I have won several awards including the Business Coach of The Year 2018 and Coach of the Year 2019.

Now, this might sound all fascinating… but the truth is, it wasn’t always this way. I’ve had my fair share of bad luck in this coaching business.

A few years ago, I was struggling to find clarity about my niche and how in heaven’s name I can land PAYING coaching clients! I discovered I had a passion for speaking, teaching, and helping others achieve tangible results in their business and money-making ventures but didn’t know how that could become a business.

I posted ‘value’ consistently on social media but it didn’t turn into ‘value in my pocket’. Rather, I consistently saw other people living my life, getting paid to do the same or less than I was doing, yet I couldn’t get the clarity I needed to launch out properly as a profitable business.

Nothing seemed to be working!!!

I tried many things including a certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) but for 6 months after I graduated, nothing happened (except for my friend who paid me less than $50 for a 3 months coaching program), and that was it.

It was then I realised that getting a certification does not automatically equal getting clients.

Yes, you get a little confidence in your expertise but that is just the beginning. I knew I needed to work with actual clients to validate the solution I was bringing to the marketplace if I wanted to succeed and so off I went to get some Beta Clients and yes, they got massive results

In the last 5 years, I have gone on to:

  • Write and publish books that are Amazon Bestsellers
  • I have travelled out of the country for international conferences that cost tens of thousands of dollars.
  • I have held masterclasses in 2 different countries out of my home country Nigeria.
  • I have grown my business from a mere N10,000 a month to almost a million dollars working from home since 2014.
  • More importantly, I have mentored and coached hundreds of coaches and thought leaders to launch and scale their business.

Now listen, I’m not saying all these to toot my horn or make you feel less of yourself. No!!! Far from it.

The truth is, I’ve cracked the code on this coaching thing


Because for the past 5 years, I’ve been able to build and finetune a perfect system that can allow you (no matter your age, experience or background) to build a highly profitable and respected coaching brand without going through the same rough path I went through – and I want to share them with you in this 3-day transformational workshop. I want to take you through the entire process of launching your own coaching from scratch to 6 figure brand in almost no time!

Know This: If you’re going to build a profitable coaching business, you can’t do without a proven system that helps you nail your niche and attract your ideal clients!

You see, one of the most horrifying mistakes aspiring coaches make is trying to work their way around the system without discovering the right way of monetising their passion.

Expert coaches understand that building a respected online coaching brand doesn’t mean working round the clock, engaging in price war without other coaches or begging for clients.

In fact, that’s the easiest way to fail even before you start.

Scaling your way to the top means you have to get a lot of things right. Most importantly your brand positioning, pricing strategy, client attraction strategy and more.

Coming from someone who has tried everything out there and has finally discovered how anyone can duplicate a proven process to build their own money-breeding brand, this is undoubtedly the best thing you’ll read this year.

So join me in…

The "Launch Your Coaching Business" Workshop

A 3-day workshop to help new coaches get clear on their positioning, nail their dream clients and launch like a pro.

Workshop dates: Nov 19th - 21st.
Time: 12 noon (WAT)

What’s inside the 'Launch Your Coaching Business' Workshop?

The 3 day bootcamp is designed to help you get crystal clear on the 3 most important ingredients of your coaching business: your niche, your ideal clients and your positioning.

From identifying your core purpose to defining what makes your voice unique and how to position yourself to attract and convert paying customers, by the end of our time together, you’ll have your blueprint locked in and ready to go, so that you can finally stop thinking about starting your coaching business and actually start landing paying clients, making money and living your dreams doing what you love!

In this 3-days of this workshop, I’m personally going to help you:

Discover your core purpose and how you can create impact and income with it.
Position your coaching brand in such a way it magnets the kind of clients you’ve been dreaming about
Get super clear on your message and the solution you are bringing to the marketplace.
Discover the perfect coaching program you should be designing.
Launch like a pro in 30 days!

At the end of these 3 days, you won’t have to struggle with clarity, positioning or attracting the kind of clients you really want. In fact, I’m going to take you by the hand and show you how to build a profitable coaching brand all online!

The fact is you are getting a distillation of the first 2 modules of my highly priced 3 months coaching program that took me over a year and so many sleepless nights to create.

If you’ve ever struggled with coaching before, this is the redemption you’ve been praying for.

Here’s a little sneak peek into what you’re going to get inside this workshop:


(Thursday, 19th of November)

Purpose to Profit Clarity session

How To Get Sparklin’ Clear on The Exact Value You Were Designed To Bring To The Marketplace So That You Can Do What You Really Love And Love What You Do.

If you’re struggling to pinpoint the exact value you are meant to bring to the table, we would focus on helping you get really clear on your value proposition as an individual so that you can show up more confidently as you deliver your awesomeness to the world.

At the end of Day 1,

  • You will have gained full clarity on your divine brand solution so that you can build authority as the go-to person in your niche.
  • You will have a validated purpose statement that makes absolute sense to you.
  • You will finally understand the connection between what you were designed to do and your wealth quotient.


(Friday, 20th of November)

Brand Message Clarity Session

How To Get Really Clear On Your Niche So That You Can Finally Focus Your Productive Energy Into What Really Matters.

Now you know what you really want to do, the next thing is to get clear on your message so you can attract the kind of audience that will consistently put money in your pocket.

On Day 2, we will take a deep dive into finding and validating your niche as a thought leader.

At the end of Day 2,

  • You will become really clear on the specific pain point you want to solve for those you have been sent to.
  • You will understand what your core message is as an expert so that you can stop being Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none and very importantly,
  • You will know how to clearly communicate your expert message in a way that makes you seen as the go-to expert in your field.


(Saturday, 21th of November)

Purpose to Profit Clarity session

How To Position Yourself As An Expert So That You Can Become Completely Irresistible To Your Dream Clients.

There are so many “wanna-be” coaches out there posing as the best thing since sliced bread, we are going to help you position your brand, separate your brand from the noise and attract the high-ticket clients you want.

We would focus on helping you get really clear on your dream clients and the special people that will make up your tribe of raving fans who will buy from you again and again.

At the end of Day 3,

  • You will be able to create your ideal client avatar (ICA) so that you can focus your energy better.
  • You will be able to create a concise niche statement that will connect with your tribe.
  • You will understand how to stay faithful to your niche statement so you can maintain your power and authority.

Plus These Additional Bonuses Worth Over $600:

Bonus #1 - Launch Like A Pro Masterclass

“How To Sell Out Your High Ticket Program With A Proven System That Doesn’t Need You To Have An Email List or A Large Following on Social Media in 30 Days or Less.”

Value: $197.

If you’re ready to launch your high-ticket coaching program immediately, this masterclass will be of huge benefit to you as I will be breaking down my own proven launch system to you.

Holds on Sunday, 22nd of November.

Get This For FREE Once You Grab Your Seat In The Workshop Now

Bonus #2 Mindset Hacks for A 7 Figure Coaching Business Masterclass

“5 Success-Activating Beliefs That Will Move You Faster To Becoming A Millionaire Coach”

Value: $197.

If you’re currently struggling about how to cross to 7 figures in your business as a coach, you will find this masterclass really helpful as I break down the exact steps you need to take to hit your 7 figure goal faster.

Holds on Monday, 23rd of November.

Get This For FREE Once You Grab Your Seat In The Workshop Now

Bonus #3: Purpose To Profit Discovery Worksheet

A Step-by-step Walk-through to Finding and Validating Your Core Purpose and How to Align it With Your Passion.

Value: $199.

This worksheet is designed to scientifically help you come up with your purpose statement in the most direct way you will ever find. 

If you have been struggling with pinpointing exactly what you should be doing with your life, this worksheet will change the game for you.

Get This For FREE Once You Grab Your Seat In The Workshop Now

Bonus #4: The Clarity Blueprint

“Fill-In-The-Blanks Blueprint To Help You Structure Your Coaching Business And Make It Absolutely Irresistible.”

Value: $97.

This is a fill-in-the-blanks 1 page blueprint that makes your learning more transformational and unforgettable as you execute on all you will be learning.
You can print out and work with so you can easily capture your learning for future reference.

Get This For FREE Once You Grab Your Seat In The Workshop Now

Get The Ultimate Step-By-Step Blueprint To Start and Scale Your Own Coaching Business For Just $37!

  • 3 days of live training on how to nail your purpose, position yourself as the go-to expert and attract your dream clients. ($1,000 value)
  • Bonus Masterclass – Launch Like A Pro ($199 value)
  • Bonus Masterclass #2 – Mindset Hacks for A 7 Figure Coaching Business ($197 value)
  • Purpose To Passion Discovery Worksheet ($197 value)
  • The Clarity Blueprint ($97 value)

Snag over $1,500 in value...

...FOR JUST $37 / ₦17,020 only!

Workshop dates: November 19th - 21st, 2020.

Here’s My Rock-Solid Money-back Guarantee

If after attending the workshop on Day 1, you feel it wasn’t worth your time and investment, simply send a mail to us on or before 8am on Friday 20th of November, to ask for a refund that very day and it will be processed immediately.

Sounds fair?

This is an absolute no-brainer for any serious minded aspiring coach or thought leader but unfortunately, we only have limited seats available. Click the button below to grab your seat.

Got Questions? Read Below:

I am just starting, I am not clear on my niche, is this workshop for me?

If you are a newbie coach who is not clear on what you really want to focus on or who your ideal customer is, this workshop is perfect for you. You will find the first day really illuminating and life-defining. Sign up now to experience the magic.

When is the date of this workshop?

The November edition of this workshop holds on Thurs 19th – Saturday, 21st November, 2020. 12pm daily.

How much is this workshop?

The price is $100 but if you are among the first 20 people to register, you can enjoy the Fast Action Discount price of $37 / ₦17,020 only

Will there be a replay?

Yes, but it will be available only to registered participants, not for public sale.

Where can I learn more about the Business of Your Brand 12 weeks Coaching Program?
I have more questions

Please send a mail to or call/WhatsApp: +234 814 734 5240

Hi, I’m the Electric Temi -- Your Workshop Host

I’m an award-winning and highly sought after global speaker and coach in the business and personal development niches in Nigeria.
A 2-time Amazon Bestselling author, Certified John Maxwell DISC Trainer, Results Coach, NLP Practitioner, a Performance Consultant.

But when I started, things weren’t as smooth as they are now. I was struggling to find clarity about my niche and how I can land WELL-PAYING coaching clients! Until I finally figured out a system that allowed me to build a highly profitable coaching business within just 5 years.

I’ve successfully trained hundreds of struggling coaches who have gone ahead to build their own profitable brands. Now, it’s your turn.

I’d like you to join me in the Launch Your Coaching Business 3-day workshop where I’m going to share all my strategies with you. Follow the link below to grab a seat now

Copyright © 2020, Win or Win Academy.
Temi Ajibewa’s experiences with online business are not typical; She is an experienced Online Business Coach. This program demonstrates how she, and her team of experts use proprietary technology, experience and expertise to identify potentially successful coaching ideas and drive profitable sales online.
We do not track the typical results of our customers or verify the accuracy of publicly available student testimonials. Our technology and these techniques may not always be accurate, and creating an online business may not always be profitable.
We cannot guarantee that you will make money or that you will be successful if you employ this or any online business strategy specifically or generally. Consequently, your results may significantly vary from Temi Ajibewa’s. All information is mentioned for informational and educational purposes only.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
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