Are You An Experienced Professional or Entrepreneur Ready To Become A Highly-Paid And Highly Sought-After Global Thought Leader In Your Industry?

The Personal Brand Monetization Program is a proven framework that has helped hundreds of individuals like you to clarify their life’s purpose, personality, and unique area of expertise; create their signature solution framework as a trusted industry leader; intentionally curate people’s perception about them in order to attract top global opportunities; and monetize their expertise with impact-driven digital products.


2025 Coaching Cohorts resume: March 10th and Sept 8th.


Ebere Victoria Ugochukwu -
Leadership and Productivity Coach

“Before PBM, I was not able to define what my core message would be, in terms of what I wanted to share with the world as value. I also did not understand how personal branding works. Whilst I was Social Media savvy, I didn’t really want to be out there that much.

After PBM, I got clarity on my purpose and niche. I am clear that my forte is to coach in leadership and productivity, and I am currently working on my lead magnet and other necessary tools to show up correctly. The program was worth my time, money, and much more. PBM is highly recommended for every thought leader.”


Rachel Adelore -

Marriage Counsellor

“Before joining the PBM program, I was not known. I had dreams in my heart but didn't know what I needed to actualize my dreams. I had a message from my personal life experiences that I wanted to share with teenagers and young adults but it was all locked up in my heart and I didn't how to start. Social media was like a 'black box' for me.

My biggest win from the program is creating my personal website and personal Instagram page, where I push out weekly content to teenagers and they also reach out for counselling. Through PBM, I participated in my first-ever live session and I completed a book on marriage. PBM opened my eyes to the importance of training and coaching. This program diffused my fear and confusion and gave me focus. The  PBM program was worth my time and money and I’d recommend it to everyone because every human is fashioned to fulfil a purpose.”


Adebola MacPrince -
Singles and Young Couples Coach

“Prior to joining PBM, I lacked clarity. Time was a challenge for me because I was involved in many things. PBM gave me clarity on my niche and I’m now designing my signature solution framework. This program was worth my investment and I’d recommend it to people who are ready for a positive change.”


Makinde Adebisi Bukola -

Content Creator/Youtuber

“Prior to PBM, I was unorganised and stagnant. After I joined the program, I was able to create a new business that had been holding me back for long. It helped me to organize my brands. PBM was definitely worth my investment.”


Sarah Ogah -

Business Law Expert & Serial Entrepreneur

“I was known for many things before the PBM program. While I was multi-skilled, it was tedious doing all and I knew that I had to streamline so I started building my brand on legal solutions and business, but still needed order and clarity.

Joining PBM gave me the clarity to streamline both my legal and business expertise into one, creating a niche that is different from the regular business structuring. I was also able to design my signature solution framework and I got insights on what I can do with my website beyond having a presence. I’ve been able to separate my personal brand from my businesses.

PBM was worth my time and every inch of the cash investment. I’d recommend this to coaches, subject experts, consultants, thought leaders, business owners, and experienced professionals.”


Hannah Oyebanjo - Managing Director, Redwood Consulting

“Before I joined the PBM program, I was giving away my professional services as an individual for free. I didn't segment my social media footprint appropriately and I didn't know who to help.

During the program, I signed my first paying client, I got clarity on how to progress most professionally being a multi-talented high-energy individual, I formally started my paid mentoring program and I also developed my signature product. I’d highly recommend this program for professionals.”

Does this sound like you?

  • You feel a strong call to step up and give more of yourself to the world with your message, experiences, story, insights, expertise and passion in a way that will serve and impact so many lives positively.

  • As a passionate entrepreneur, you’ve done well at building your business offline, and now you feel the need to increase your brand visibility so you can reach more people with your solutions and be recognized for your contribution in your industry.

  • As a professional, you have dedicated decades to your work and risen to an enviable position at your workplace, but now you’re seeking meaning to your life and more opportunities to contribute to humanity as a mentor, coach or consultant.

  • Having gained a wealth of knowledge in a particular field as an expert, you now want to share it with as many people as possible so that you can be seen and recognized as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Even though you’ve seen other professionals or experts like you build their brands online, you’re apprehensive about starting your own because you feel it’s a lot of work, and you don’t have the slightest idea where or how to start.

  • Your life is so busy as it is and as much as you know you need to start being visible with your expertise, you’re not confident you can really make it through the process required

  • You’re not so comfortable with putting yourself out there because you really like your privacy

  • You battle with what exactly to build your brand on as an expert because you’re multi-passionate and multi-competent

  • You feel overwhelmed when you see the “work” that needs to be done to create content, build a website or set up the almighty “sales funnels”.

  • Sometimes, you lack the confidence and motivation to step out because you feel like you’re not good enough or there are other people who know more than you

  • You know “the world is waiting” but you have no idea where exactly to start or how you will sustain the momentum when you start

  • Deep down, you’re afraid of being judged.

Maybe you’ve even tried doing it all yourself but you got overwhelmed and now you’re wondering if there can be an easier way…

I see you 😊

I see that you’re passionate, ambitious, and purpose-driven and you want to build a personal brand that creates positive change and impacts lives but you lack the clarity and direction to make it a reality.

And yes, there is an easier way to become a highly sought-after, highly-paid and well-recognized leader in your industry without the overwhelm or confusion that often goes with it.

Indeed, there might be a wave of different information and resources from different sources and everyone is now launching an online business.

Especially with the global online information marketing industry projected to hit $11 billion in a couple of years.

So it must be so overwhelming to pick who to listen to and actually know how to get started.

You’re like me 9 years ago, scared and naive, confused and seriously struggling with low self-esteem.

I was lost in uncertainties before a lightbulb moment gave me the strength, boldness, and charisma to begin to build my authentic brand online and eventually lead a successful business as a thought leader.

Now, I guide people just like you to build an impact-driven, legacy-leaving and highly-profitable authentic brand from scratch, helping them to overcome challenges such as confusion, shyness, tech overwhelm, or low self-esteem, so that they can reach their full potential and stop being the world’s best kept secret!

My framework for personal brand monetization works so well that it will help you rediscover yourself, have clarity on your brand messaging, tap into your superpower, and monetize your brand.

Its value can simply not be quantified, even if I say so myself.

But then again, don’t take my word for it.

Hear from students who have used my PBM framework to achieve mind-blowing results!

ADEBOLA McPrince - Singles and Young Couples Coach




Think about it for a second.

If all of these people say that the framework works and it has helped them get massive results, then I think it’s safe to trust that the framework can also help you, right?

Especially since the framework was designed for purpose-driven people like you.

If yes, then you can now join this new tribe of people that are leveraging the power of a personal brand to build wealth, experience exponential business growth and impact people while doing so.


The Personal Brand Monetization (PBM) Program For Experts & Professionals Ready to Build Global Brands That Create Wealth & Impact Lives.

When You Join The PBM Program…

  • You’ll achieve clarity for your personal brand in terms of who you are and what makes you unique.

    With the well-distilled modules and step-by-step framework in this course, you’ll gain clarity on what personal branding truly is. You’ll also understand what it’s not and come up with a brand strategy that works perfectly for you.

  • You’ll be able to craft a strong brand persona and brand core message that connects with you and your audience.

    Crafting a strong brand message is one important aspect of building a personal brand that can not be ignored. Before the end of this course, you’ll be able to craft your brand persona and core message almost naturally.

  • You’ll become googleable and highly sought-after in a matter of months after taking the course.

    As an expert and thought leader, your ideal clients must be able to find you. Their search must not come out empty when they key your name into their browsers. Being googleable as an expert means being visible which you’ll most definitely achieve when you take this course. We have a series of exercises and lessons for you to guarantee that.

  • You will identify your dream clients, their problems, and the clear solutions you provide for them.

    If you really want to impact people with your knowledge and expertise, you MUST define your target audience. Most people fail to identify the problem they solve so they try to solve too many problems at the same time. This leads to automatic frustration in building your brand and I don’t want that for you. In this course, I’ll help you define who you want to serve (aka. Your ideal clients), identify their main problem and a realistic solution to that problem.

  • You’d be able to monetize your personal brand in a matter of months. 

    A lot of brands online find it hard to position their brands for profit. Building a brand is not just about building followers, and getting likes and comments, but also about building a list of raven fans who are ready to buy your products. In this course, you’ll learn how exactly you can position your brand for profit and several areas of your brand that you can monetise.

  • You’d be able to create brand elements with meaning, purpose, understanding, and unique style.

    Brand elements are not for “show” they are to help you build a community around your brand. They also give identity to your brand. During the course of the program, we’ll work together on creating the unique branding elements that will help you set the behavioral culture and pattern for your online tribe.

  • You’ll be able to craft your brand story in a way that inspires true fans and loyal buyers.

    Stories are great foundations for a strong brand. Learning how to tell your stories in an emotional and relatable way makes your brand remarkable and attracts your ideal audience like bees to a honey pot. In this course, I’ll teach you how to tell your unique story in a way that attracts loyal fans.

  • You’ll be able to identify your unique selling proposition. 

    For most clients that we help build their personal brands from scratch, we discovered that having a unique selling proposition grows the brand 2 times faster. However, identifying a brand’s unique proposition can be difficult for experts who are just starting their brand. In this course, we’ll work together to identify your unique selling proposition and give you an understanding of how it makes you unique and its importance.

  • You’ll learn how to create content that attracts your dream audience and clients.

    Your content game is everything when it comes to giving your brand the visibility, credibility, and exposure that it deserves. In this course, I’ll teach you how to create quality content that attracts dream clients and help you with a content strategy that guarantees your visibility online.

  • You’ll learn how to set up social platforms for visibility, monetization and growth.

    Things like your social media bio, profile picture, a profile description, and name can set you up for high visibility online and help you build wealth creation systems. In this course, I’ll take you through setting up your social media platforms for exposure in your sector.

  • You’ll learn how to use competition to your advantage to build your personal brand.

    No brand can stand alone, you need healthy competition to grow your brand. In this course, you’ll learn how to make meaningful collaborations in your sector. In this course, you’ll learn the best ways to approach leaders or colleagues in your niche and ask for collaboration without them feeling like they are being used

Even though it sounds too good to be true, PBM will help you, just like it helped these people...





Onyinyechi Nwaolikpe - Teen Coach

“Before joining the PBM program as a Teen coach, my visibility was only in the church and my community. I was not working with a framework. I was working as the spirit led me and there was no structure.  I was struggling to complete my book on teenagers and I also didn't know how to monetise my coaching sessions with them.

Through PBM, I got more clarity on my niche and I began building my media visibility. I’ve signed up 2 clients, designed my solution framework, and also came up with a freebie - my ebook. The impact of the PBM program cannot be quantified. My time and money were not wasted and I got back my investment. I’d recommend this program to everyone that needs to discover themselves and have the desire to make an impact globally.”


Christiana Abiodun Daramola - Family Life Practitioner

“I knew within me that I was made for more and I needed something different from the usual. PBM gave me clarity on my purpose. I was able to design my solution framework and I’m now more visible on social media unlike before. PBM was worth my time and investment and I will recommend it to every individual because whether we believe it or not, we are solutions to each other’s problems.”

Here's a summary of the Personal Brand Monetization Framework


This first step of this proven signature framework is to help you find your unique voice and authentic personality. At this end of this step, you'll gain absolute clarity of your life’s purpose, your personality, your core message and your core audience. This is the solid foundation we will be building your authentic brand on.


When you have successfully clarified your identity as an expert, your core message and your core audience, it’s time to create the internals and externals of a successful personal brand. This step carefully takes you through the very important process of representing yourself with the right brand elements in a way that stands you out and make people can see you exactly how you want them to. At the end of this step, you will be able to confidently step out and step up like the industry captain that you are.


The third step of the framework is all about intentionally shaping people’s perception of you by publishing the right content, building a community and deliberately orking on your PR to become Googleable for the right reasons. After completing this process, you’ll be able to attract interesting and mind-blowing opportunities, build a network of supportive fans and those who believe in your dreams.


Finally, you’ll learn how to turn your personal brand to cash. At this step, you’ll learn how to create an offer that your audience needs, how to attract and convert people into buying customers for the offer, and how to deliver on your offer in a way that delivers value and give your students the transformative experience.

The Personal Brand Monetization Course Breakdown…

Module 1: Unmasking Personal Branding

You’d get an introduction into personal branding and the basic fundamentals, the history of personal branding, why you need to build a personal brand, digital personal branding, what you need to unlearn about personal branding and the nexus of your character, brand and reputation.

Module 2 - Your Brand Revelation

You’d learn about different personality types, how to find your purpose, how to find focus as a multipotentialite, how to hone in on your brand’s core messaging, how to identify your ideal clients, and your personal brand monetization

Module 3: Intangible Branding Elements

You’d get an Introduction to Personal Brand Elements, Types of personal brand elements - Intangible and tangible brand elements, how to create your brand core message, brand vision & mission, core values, brand goals and strategy, brand story, brand personality and tonality and lots more

Module 4: Tangible Branding Elements

You’d learn about brand elements that will help you stand out such as: brand colors, brand keywords and tagline, brand fonts, brand bio, brand templates, hashtags and signature, brand CV/resume, brand channels and lots more

Module 5: Content Creation and Marketing Strategy

Here you will learn more about content marketing, building your brand platforms, developing your brand content pillars, creating your bankable content, competition management, brand crisis management, how to rebrand yourself if you want to change your niche and so much more.

Module 6: Marketing Your Brand

This module focuses on getting yourself out there intentionally so you learn more about creating your visibility channels, building your tribe networking, online marketing strategies, marketing campaign checklist to keep handy when you’re launching and so much more.

Module 7: Monetize Your Brand

Here you will learn the nitty-gritty of creating and launching an offer that your audience will pay for. We cover everything you need to know on clarifying your signature offer (an online training), designing it, selling it and delivering it to your students.

Apart From The Value-Packed Course Content, You’ll Also Get Access to these Bonuses:


The easiest way to get found on the internet is through social media. And the best social media platform right now to grow your brand is where your ideal clients are the most. With an optimized social media profile, you become more visible to your ideal clients, build your brand by attracting more followers, and attract high-paying clients to your business.


Your website is your online home. When visitors come to your website, they get the choice to buy from you or wander away. You can increase your chances of visitors buying from your website with my Website Plan and Goal guide. This short guide will help you with designing the proper layout of your website: things that should be present on your website so that it serves its purpose — bringing clients to your doorstep.


Every successful brand has a rule of engagement and standard procedure that pilots the way they operate both internally and externally. This brand bible template covers every branding aspect of your business down to the least detail. With this template, you can come up with your brand bible in one tenth of the time it would have ordinarily taken you.


Execution is everything. Getting the right information to build a successful brand is one side of the coin. The other side is implementing the processes, systems, and strategies taught in this program. With this 10 Weeks execution calendar, you're guaranteed of getting more work done in 70 days than in 365 days.


We know how overwhelming it is building a brand without committed support. It can be frustrating when you pay a lot of money for a program and you don't even get the opportunity to spend time with the coach. This is why we have decided to dedicate 10 weeks (of weekly live group coaching) to building your exceptional brand with you.


We know how overwhelming it is building a brand without committed support. It can be frustrating when you pay a lot of money for a program and you don't even get the opportunity to spend time with the coach. This is why we have decided to dedicate 10 weeks (of weekly live group coaching) to building your exceptional brand with you.


We know how overwhelming it is building a brand without committed support. It can be frustrating when you pay a lot of money for a program and you don't even get the opportunity to spend time with the coach. This is why we have decided to dedicate 10 weeks (of weekly live group coaching) to building your exceptional brand with you.


After 10 weeks of training and coaching, you’re still going to have access to our personal brand monetization online community for 12 months. This includes access to all the course lessons, resources, and tasks for 12 months which is enough time to help you catch up on missed lessons, missed coaching calls and get your desired results.


After 10 weeks of training and coaching, you’re still going to have access to our personal brand monetization online community for 12 months. This includes access to all the course lessons, resources, and tasks for 12 months which is enough time to help you catch up on missed lessons, missed coaching calls and get your desired results.

The BONUS of ALL Bonuses….

One year free subscription to for you to build your website, sales pages, send your email marketing campaign, set up your automation and so much more. This bonus is activated the moment you sign up so you can get yourself started immediately. With, your online system setup is settled for a whole year! (Worth $5,999).

Total PBM Program Value – $26,588

Personal Brand Monetization+

Group Coaching (1x payment)

= $999/ ₦1,600,00 ONLY

  • Personal Brand Monetization Course of 70+ video lessons

  • 'Personal Brand Website That Sells' Masterclass

  • Social Media Profile Optimization Worksheet

  • Personal Brand Bible Template

  • Customer Avatar Template

  • E-Book Lead Magnet Template

  • Brand Me In 10 Weeks Execution Calendar

  • Certificate of Course Completion

  • 12 Months Post Program Community Support

  • Accountability Pods

  • 10 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions

Personal Brand Monetization+

Group Coaching (2x Payment)

= $550/ ₦880,000

  • XPersonal Brand Monetization Course of 70+ video lessons

  • 'Personal Brand Website That Sells' Masterclass

  • Social Media Profile Optimization Worksheet

  • Personal Brand Bible Template

  • Customer Avatar Template

  • E-Book Lead Magnet Template

  • Brand Me In 10 Weeks Execution Calendar

  • Certificate of Course Completion

  • 12 Months Post Program Community Support

  • Accountability Pods

  • 10 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions

Personal Brand Monetization+

Group Coaching (3x Payment)

= $400/ ₦640,000

  • Personal Brand Monetization Course of 70+ video lessons

  • 'Personal Brand Website That Sells' Masterclass

  • Social Media Profile Optimization Worksheet

  • Personal Brand Bible Template

  • Customer Avatar Template

  • E-Book Lead Magnet Template

  • Brand Me In 10 Weeks Execution Calendar

  • Certificate of Course Completion

  • 12 Months Post Program Community Support

  • Accountability Pods

  • 10 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions

Personal Brand Monetization+

Group Coaching (6x Payment to join the next cohort)

= $120/ ₦192,000 ONLY

  • Personal Brand Monetization Course of 70+ video lessons

  • 'Personal Brand Website That Sells' Masterclass

  • Social Media Profile Optimization Worksheet

  • Personal Brand Bible Template

  • Customer Avatar Template

  • E-Book Lead Magnet Template

  • Brand Me In 10 Weeks Execution Calendar

  • Certificate of Course Completion

  • 12 Months Post Program Community Support

  • Accountability Pods

  • 10 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions

Personal Brand Monetization Group Coaching + Done-For-You Launch Services

= $3,999 ONLY

  • Personal Brand Monetization Course of 70+ video lessons

  • 'Personal Brand Website That Sells' Masterclass

  • Social Media Profile Optimization Worksheet

  • Personal Brand Bible Template

  • Customer Avatar Template

  • E-Book Lead Magnet Template

  • Brand Me In 10 Weeks Execution Calendar

  • Certificate of Course Completion

  • 12 Months Post Program Community Support

  • Accountability Pods

  • 10 Weeks Live Group Coaching Sessions

  • Done For-You Website Designing

  • Done-For-You Freebie Creation

  • Done-For-You Email Marketing Campaign Set-up 

  • Done-For-You Offer Launch

  • Done-For-You Sales Funnel Building

  • Done-For-You Learning Management System Set-up

  • One-On-One Launch Support From A WOW Coach

Meet Our Coaching Team

Program Creator: Dr. Temi Ajibewa.

Dr. Temi is an award-winning business coach and personal brand monetization strategist.

She is a certified Results Coach, transformational trainer, peak performance strategist, and thought leader in the life and business coaching niches.

Through her work at the Win or Win Academy, she has impacted tens of thousands of visionaries to become a better version of themselves and she is well known for her electrifying and elevating delivery. Hence, she was accorded the nickname “The Electric Temi” by many of her students and followers.

A 2-time TEDx Speaker, Temi has been featured on several global media channels like The US Times, The Vanguard, The Punch, and The Guardian Woman, among so many others.

As a Certified Coach and Mentor, she has mentored over 100,000 students through her online programs since 2014 and was recently decorated as one of the 100 Most Inspiring Women in Nigeria, her home country.

Temi is a transformational business coach with almost a decade of experience in helping leaders lean into their God-given purpose to build high-impact and high-income businesses which is why she created the PBM program to help more people build a strong personal brand that allows them to build wealth and create impact.

Funmilayo Loremikan is a Certified Professional Coach specializing in career development and personal branding.

With a strategic 4-step framework—clarify, prepare, develop, and execute—she addresses challenges such as career stagnation, lack of motivation, frustration, invisibility, and retirement fears.

Funmilayo’s tailored approach empowers clients to prepare for career transitions or retirement, build strong personal brands, enhance visibility, establish thought leadership, succeed in new roles, and explore career opportunities.

Her dedication to personalized guidance and strategic problem-solving has made her a trusted mentor and coach, helping professionals achieve their career aspirations and navigate their professional journeys with confidence.

As Certified Professional Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Funmilayo specializes in career development and personal branding.

Her expertise and strategic framework have empowered many professionals to overcome challenges and achieve their career goals. Funmilayo continues to break barriers and inspire others, exemplifying excellence and leadership in the maritime and logistics sectors.

Funmilayo Loremikan has devoted over 30 years to the Nigerian Ports Authority, establishing herself as a competent professional in the maritime, logistics, transport, and supply chain industry.

Since joining the organization as a Marketing Officer in 1994, she has demonstrated exceptional dedication and integrity, earning the Employee of the Month award in 2002 at the Lagos Port Complex Apapa.

Funmilayo’s influence extends beyond her administrative roles. She is a recognized leader in the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT), self-sponsoring her participation in numerous conventions and conferences since 2014.

Her contributions to the industry have earned her accolades such as being named one of the Top 100 Global Ambassadors for the CILT Centenary Celebration in 2019 and one of the Top 100 Influential African Women in Supply Chain in 2022.

Ifeyinwa (Ify) Okafor is a seasoned Certified Management Consultant and IT Professional passionate about fostering wholesome, digitally responsible families and work cultures.

With over 16 years of experience at the dynamic intersection of technology and human connection, she champions transformative initiatives by serving on various boards and leading impactful organisations.

She is also a Strategist at The Wholeness School, USA and has guided hundreds of women through a journey of rediscovery, redesigning their lives, rewiring their mindsets to live fully alive in every facet and raising wholesome families.

As a Digital Parenting coach, she has been instrumental in empowering parents and schools with the essential skills, knowledge, and support needed to foster wholesome and digitally responsible children.

With a unique blend of strategic leadership, coaching excellence, and technological expertise, Ify has positioned herself as a sought-after global coach committed to nurturing holistic success.

She is passionate about impacting the world and the next generation by championing responsible tech integration and advocating for policies that cultivate a wholesome digital culture in homes, schools and the workplace

Temitope Ojelabi, a coach on a mission to empower entrepreneurs through sales excellence.

As a dedicated sales coach, she is on a mission to transform the sales landscape for entrepreneurs, with a special focus on empowering women entrepreneurs.

Her expertise lies in providing invaluable insights and techniques to enhance sales strategies, driving business growth and acing business profitability.

Tope has a passion for supporting entrepreneurs through her tailored coaching sessions. With a keen understanding of the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, she guides them in mastering effective sales techniques, unlocking new possibilities for their businesses.

Her hobbies are travelling, researching and bowling.

SHIRLEY NKECHINYERE HILLS is a Communications, Business, Leadership, and Management Consultant & Trainer for top Brands, Businesses, Organizations, & Governments, and an Executive Business Networking & Lifestyle Expert for high and ultra-high networth individuals.

She serves on a few Boards, and is the Principal Consultant of Crustos Consult Ltd - a first-class development, management, and training consultancy focused on people development through Leadership and Entrepreneurship advancements for Organizational Success, Nation-building, and Global Transformation; a premier subsidiary of the Crustos Prestige Group LLC, in which she is the Group CEO.

Passionate about the emancipation, education, and empowerment of Women (and Girls), she founded the ELITE Women Network Int'l (in 2016), a non-governmental Organization focused on harnessing the potential in women through Leadership and Entrepreneurship advancement instruments and programs, as well as Celebrating the achievements of Women across the World.

As a Sickle Cell Warrior and Advocate of the Sickle Cell Disorder, Shirley Hills, through her foundation; the Shirley Hills Foundation for Sickle Cell, promotes the awareness, research, prevention, and management of the Disorder, and helps to bring succour and support to sufferers of the Disorder and carriers of the trait at their signature programs and campaigns.

Shirley is a Quintessential Woman whose personality is greatly admired in several spheres. She is a multiple award-winning Serial Entrepreneur & Humanitarian, an Inspirational Speaker & Writer, a Lifestyle Enthusiast & Global People/Business Connector, and is passionate about the transformation of her Motherland, Africa.

She has been featured severally on leading platforms as a Keynote Speaker/Panel Discussant on several topics as well as Media outfits in Nigeria and beyond like Guardian Nigeria, Guardian Woman, Leadership News, Business Day, Channels TV, CNN, to mention just a few. She's greatly admired and followed for her inspiring and motivational content that she shares daily on her Social Media platforms.

Brenda Unuavworho, fondly known by all as Brenda Unu is a world changer, an enthusiastic supporter of everyone she knows and she would be your greatest cheerleader on any journey.

She is a certified architect by day and a talented writer by night. She has a keen sense of what God has called her to and it’s to help women approaching their 40s and those in early 40s to find themselves, recreate their lives and BLOOM! She does this through her four step framework that she’ll tell you more about when you meet her.

Brenda is also an author of 8 published books with many more sitting in her cooler awaiting publishing. Brenda is married to her best friend and he has made her a mother to 4 awesome nations.

As you can imagine, Brenda Unu brings the E in Energy!!!

Adedamola Olubummo (Coach Dee) is a seasoned Human Experience professional with a wealth of expertise in Strategic Leadership and Human Experience management.

Throughout his career, he has dedicated himself to guiding, educating, and inspiring agile leaders, empowering them to excel in their roles.

As a renowned leadership figure and a Coach specialising in leadership and personal development, Adedamola has honed his skills in training, consulting, coaching, speaking, facilitating, and leading discussions aimed at transforming agile leaders.

His commitment to consistently adding value propels him to cultivate relationships that not only influence but also encourage others to create meaningful value and evolve into better versions of themselves.

Here are more people who have achieve mind blowing results with the Personal Brand Monetization Program


Oluwateye Olatunji - Consultant

“I had no idea of how to start my personal branding even though I was hungry for it until I came across the PBM program. Through this Program, I got clarity on my purpose and niche, I was able to design my signature solution framework as a consultant and I also realised that I could monetize my services. The program was worth more than I invested and I’d recommend it to anyone that needs self-discovery and clarity about themselves.”


Ifeyinwa Okafor -
IT Professional | Parenting Coach

“I am a techie and parenting coach who prefers to be behind the scenes but had to bravely come into the light because of my calling to be a coach and mentor parents. I wasn't confident in my ability to be a thought leader and felt I needed to validate my skills and knowledge before I could command the audience I needed to.

The PBM program gave me CLARITY! Another huge win for me was understanding the concept of creating signature frameworks and I was also able to break my mindset barrier about showcasing myself to the world. This program is a GOLD MINE and worth far more than I paid for. I’d recommend it for business owners, corporate execs, people who are ready to become thought leaders, and people who have some level of self-awareness and need to showcase their services.”


The PBM Program Is NOT For Everybody…

It is for you if you want to:

  • Monetize your personal brand and impact more people with your wealth of experience and expertise.

  • Leave the surface level of merely being a service provider to becoming a legacy and powerful force in your sector.

  • Jump out of bed every morning feeling excited and grateful for the work you do and the number of people you’ve been able to impact positively.

  • Live a life of freedom – being in control of your time, finances and mental well-being.

  • Polish your personal brand to perfection where it generates wealth on demand and are ready to move to the next level – either transitioning to a new area of expertise or starting from scratch again.

Here are some important facts about personal branding:

  • 92% of people trust people more than businesses: People love to interact with personal brands and not traditional business brands.

  • 84% of people start their buying process with a referral: And Google is the very first place people look after getting a referral. Are you Google-able?

  • 65% of people see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies.

And a lot of people make this mistake where they focus on the externals in a brand like creating logos, websites, content creation, trying to impress people online and sound goofy or controversial.

They ignore the internals that really make a successful brand like, finding your core essence as a professional or expert, building confidence and finding your voice, clear-cut clarity on exactly what you want to achieve, and a lot more…

If you’ve been making that mistake, this is what your life looks like right now:

  • You constantly miss opportunities because unconsciously you’ve been busy impressing others instead of positioning yourself to be seen as a professional or expert.

  • You get frustrated very easily because you’re doing a lot and getting little results.

  • Growing a successful brand looks like an ‘impossible mission’ for you because you’ll be getting it all wrong.

But with the Personal Brand Monetization (PBM) Program, this is what your life will look like:

  • You’d be able to tap into multiple opportunities that will change your life as a known thought leader in your industry. 

  • Having a successful brand will look and be so easy for you because you now know what to do and how to do them. 

  • You’d experience extraordinary growth in your business and will build a wealth creation system.

Just like these students of the Personal Brand Monetization Program

This program is so detailed

You've taught me so much, I want to tap into your grace

I wish I knew this three years ago

This is so eye opening and impactful

Thank you so much for opening my eyes

It's a privilege to learn from you

I've gained so much clarity

You've done justice to my confusion

You are God sent!

I'm grateful I enrolled

The IKIGAI concept was amazing!

Building Your Personal Brand is not about:

  • Having a fancy logo

  • Having a fancy website

  • Living an expensive lifestyle

  • Or faking it till you make it

Building Your Personal Brand is about:

  • Standing out in your industry as an expert

  • Showing up consistently with quality content

  • Delivering your message with confidence

  • Becoming positioned for the rewards and  recognition you deserve

  • And impacting the world while doing what you love

Now is the time to let go of your fears and take action to change your life and build a lasting brand!

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Frequently Asked Questions

When and where will the coaching sessions be?

The live coaching sessions will hold every Monday by 12pm CST / 7pm WAT on Zoom for 10 weeks.

Can I pay in installments?

Yes. You can make up to 6 installments if you’re signing up for the cohort after this. Get in touch with us for this option via email

How can I be sure this will work for me?

If you’re a leader in your niche as a career professional or entrepreneur and you’re ready to upgrade your profile, create impact, influence and income from your passion and natural abilities, this is for you. It’s perfect for you even if you’re a beginner and have never done anything online as long as you’re convinced that you do good work and you’re ready to let the world know.

Do you have a money back guarantee?

What you're going to get has been tested and proven to work across various niches, so we are 101% sure that it will work for you if you apply yourself to the process. The real question is ‘are you going to be committed to do the work it takes?’

If I have more questions, who do I contact?

Kindly contact our support team via call / WhatsApp on +234 901 781 9412 or email

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The results on this page are not a guarantee in any form.

They merely serve as an illustration or reference as to the potential of what you can achieve when you take action with what you'd learn.

Results will differ among different people who take this course and depends on your efforts and willingness to work.

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